Employee Training By Leading Management Expert Bruce Tulgan
Sep 04, 2019

Often organizations fail to develop managers on what it means to be the boss and are chronically under-managing their employees. They do not take charge of the day-to-day business basics. They don’t spell out expectations. They don’t keep track of performance measurements. They don’t correct mistakes or reward success.
In fact, too many of today’s supervisors, managers and leaders are failing their staff and their organizations by “under-managing.”
That was author and motivational speaker Bruce Tulgan’s message to MKC employees in his talk, titled “It’s Okay to Be the Boss.” Tulgan’s entertaining and engaging workshop provided clear, step-by-step “back to basics” guidance for helping people in supervisory roles become the strong, highly engaged managers who know how to position their employees for success.
“As one of the leading agricultural companies in Kansas, MKC believes its employees play an essential role in the growth and success of our business. Therefore, a priority of ours is to invest in our team to help them continue to grow and learn,” said Anne Warren, senior vice president and CHRO, MKC. “Bruce Tulgan engaged our management team with tips and best practices on how to be better leaders, and the group left with several takeaways to use with their teams.”
Tulgan is internationally recognized as the leading expert on young people in the workplace and one of the leading experts on leadership and management. Bruce is a best-selling author, an adviser to business leaders all over the world and a sought-after keynote speaker and management trainer. Since 1993, Bruce has worked with tens of thousands of leaders and managers in hundreds of organizations ranging from Aetna to Wal-Mart; from the Army to the YMCA.
It is often said people are an organization’s most valuable asset. The goal is to attract and retain the best talent, then drive their performance, but for many companies, that’s easier said than done.
“What most leaders tell us is, it’s not just my boss squeezing me, it’s everyone, including the people I’m trying to manage, and I’m stuck in the middle,” Tulgan said.
Tulgan said he often hears from managers, “I’ve got too many people to manage, some of the people I manage work in remote locations, some are in need of constant guidance and then meanwhile, I’m busy.”
Tulgan challenged MKC employees and member-owners who manage employees to re-engage with their employees by spelling out expectations, provide specific guidelines, correct failure quickly and reward success on the spot.
“You can do more for everyone, you can do less for everyone, and there’s only one other logical possibility – do more for some people and less for others,” Tulgan said. “The only fair way to do that is based on what they deserve, and the only way to make that happen is if you’re setting up everyone for success.”
MKC’s focus on employee development expands year-round in multiple different areas covering all areas of the company from hiring to safety and leadership to customer service.
“MKC takes great pride in offering our employees first-class growth and educational opportunities,” Warren said. “In addition to Mr. Tulgan, we regularly send employees to various development programs, such as those offered by the Disney Institute, Dale Carnegie, and several others. This focus on employee development helps make us better every single day.”